Saturday, September 20, 2008


CML Hilltop Branch Roach
Originally uploaded by Jim Corva
Topic: "create a post in your blog about your photo and your experience with Flickr. Be sure to include the image in your post."

My photo shows a metal cockroach that watches over patrons of the Hilltop Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. She sits atop a new adult non-fiction book display tower.

Flickr provides a functional and friendly means to post image files. This is one of three photographs I took at the Hilltop Branch last week which are posted on Flickr.


Joe said...

I call the bug Gregor. It gives me the heebie jeebies.

DeborahD said...

I have hated that thing since the branch opened. What possessed whoever was buying the art, to buy that? At least now that it's up high, I can try to ignore it. What's the statute of limitations on library art? I think someone should slip it out and let it be gone....