Monday, October 27, 2008

Finding Feeds

Topic: "Now that you have a newsreader, you can begin adding other newsfeeds that interest you. When visiting your favorite websites... Use Blogline's search tool...,"

Q: Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?

A: Searching for feeds with Bloglines was the easiest, since one necessarily has already logged in to Bloglines to use it; one doesn't have to remember to do this. Using the others requires logging in to Bloglines to set up the feed, then visiting the tool's site. This leads to keeping track of multiple windows. I am generally comfortable with this. However, by default, Bloglines keeps one logged in to Bloglines after one closes the Bloglines window. I have not found how to change this in the account settings. This leads me to favor any tool that facilitates managing multiple windows, such as minimizing the need for them. My Bloglines account's remaining open to the next user of the computer I may be using presents problems.

Q: Which Search tool was the easiest for you?

A: Syndic8 benefits from displaying helpful site information for the user prominently, featuring a prominent search box, and and presenting a static display. Its table of feeds with feed status appears to be very useful. However, none of its hits had "approved" status w/recent feeds.

Q: Which was more confusing?

A: Topix and Technorati screens are busy and distracting with news stories, including the trivial. Each also shows video or animation and advertisements which all distract.

Q: What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?

A: I searched for the same subject, philately, in each case and found a mix sites. After a quick glance at the quantity and titles, I find both tools useful. Some of the hits from each appeared useful for leisure reading. The range of topics for my search term predictably returned some unusual feeds, such as Latvian stamps.

Q: What other tools or ways did you find to locate newsfeeds?

A: None yet, but I suspect that I will stumble upon some.

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